Born in 1976, Sébastien Arcouet is a self-taught artist. He has recently left Marseille after living there for 30 years to resettle in the South-West from where he hails originally.
A chemist by training, the artist worked for 17 years with a specialist in paints for artists where he perfected various manufacturing techniques and met many painters. This is the beginning of his transition to a life as an artist.
Landscapes over time have exerted a compelling attraction on the artist. The artist paints what he sees with bright tones dominated by ultramarine blue. His canvases are carried by warm colors, strong contrasts and the interplay of shadow and light. His deliberately restricted color palette allows him to capture the gist or essence of his subject: « I like the powerful color contrasts that make me evolve towards a form of reinvented Fauvism ».
Sketches, gouaches, and paintings are all happy testimonies of his place of life, of his taste for light and movement.